New Song Inspired by Cooch’s Bridge Released

“Lightning in a Bottle,” released on streaming platforms today by coauthors John Faye and Sug Daniels, was inspired by their recent visit to Cooch’s Bridge Historic Site.

Go here to listen to the new song.

The two Philly artists, although a generation apart, share Delaware roots, and found their visit to Cooch’s Bridge brought home the fact that they owe so much of their personal identities to the state’s long-ago past.

“We realized that the space has a storied and complex history, one that at first glance doesn’t relate to either of us,” Faye said. “But it made us realize that drawing perspective and inspiration from standing on hallowed ground allows us to find our own place in that history.”

“The longer my music career spans the more I find I’m a part of a larger experience,” Daniels added.

“Writing this song with John felt like we were honoring those who came before us and communing with those to follow.”

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